
Monday, November 29, 2021

My Camp Movie.

 WALT: no walt.

Hello viewers, today i'm going to show you my camp movie, so were  making a camp movie because we all went to camp duh, but anyways we use wevideo to make our camp movie and it was a little bit harder than i thought but i learned something while using wevideo.

1. so I learned how to like put cool transitions and effects and other differents things that make my movie better, and it was kinda tricky to add transition at the start but after 1 or 2 days i got better. 

2. I think it was a good idea to use wevideo because of its compatibility with computers  unlike Imovie you need an IOS Product. (an IOS is basically a apple product)

3. learning about everything about we video including transitions, effects and effects. but the most interesting thing I learned was playing around with the music because there were good music.

4. I don't really have any question about my learning.

5. I want to get premium because it would make everything easier but we have to pay so we have to use free which is still cool. 

So anyways, QUE THE MOVIE!



Friday, November 26, 2021

buddy reading writing about Athletics.


Hi guys this friday we did buddy reading with my friend Angus, so we had to read your buddies writing book and then you show them your camp movie, after you read their writing you have to blog it, then your done.

So i hope you enjoy his writing about Athletics.

Title: Athletics.

Yesterday we did athletics, first we did run, jump, throw it was easy next we did sprinting and we all did a jellyfish race it was hard then we did skipping it was hard, last we did playground it was a brilliant day.

Friday, November 5, 2021

camp highlights and low lights!

 walt: no walt

hi bloggers, today i'm going to show you my camp highlights and lowlights recount. so i'm going to tell you all my highlights in camp and what i did in camp i hope you enjoy it.    

Camp highlights and lowlights.

Wednesday (first day of camp)

So the walk to camp was my low light because we

had to walk for 4 dreadful hours, to me that is so

long and it was not that very easy

to walk a steep hill but I still keeps going

because I knew I was going to lose at least 1kg (I think)

Anaway at least at the beginning of the road it was flat,

then when you walk further it starts to get steeper and

steeper, it was also burning hot i thought the sun was

right beside me I thought we were done and when I

looked up I wasn't even CLOSE! I was in pain but once I

reached the top it felt like victory but still very tiring. After

the exhausting walk we had free time to fix our bunk

beds and organize everything but after that it was time

\for orienteering, so if you don't know orienteering i'll

explain it to you, it's where you have a group and a map

and you try to find were the flags are and it was really

challenging because the ground was 45 degree angle

it was not too hard to climb but not to easy, but it was

still fun. 


Next morning I woke up

very very tired but excited for the next activity

today. After that we went to the auditorium to call

our names out to go to the dining room to eat cereal,

then it was time to do the four activities which are

bouldering wall, initiative team building, low ropes

and bush ecology. My favorite activity was low ropes

because it was really challenging to hold on to one

of the rope to get the to other side and was kind of

scary but you had two spotters on each side so you

were 100% safe, but the hardest one was the log one

because it was hard to balance and one time I was

super close to the end end I just fell down, I was

really sad but it is what it is. 

Friday (last day of camp)

Then it was the last day of camp, it was time to clean

up the stuff in our bunk beds and remove the sheet

from the beds and put our sleeping bags away. Then

we had to wait for the teachers to say we can eat

breakfast, it was the same as Thursday we had to go to

the auditorium and they would call our name and we

would eat breakfast. From there on we then got to play

an animal survival game, an animal survival game is

basically an animal game where you have to survive

other animals from eating you and some other stuff,

so there are 8 tiers and I don't really know the tiers

of the animal but at the top are the dogs and they

only have 2 lives and the lowest one was the small

herbivore have 8 lives but can't eat anything because

there the lowest tier, and also you had to collect all 12

flags scattered around the whole living springs place

Then it was time to play the game so i'm not going to

tell the whole story or else it will be long so I collected

four of the flags at the beginning and got tag 8 times after

40 minutes after  the game we counted up are food and

water but i got all my lives were gone. After animal

survival we did other activities and then we ate pasta

for lunch time went on the bus and went back to school. 

The end of camp


Friday, October 22, 2021

Camp reading create task Term 4 week 1

WALT: no Walt.

Hi bloggers, today i'm going to show you my camp reading create task, our create task is about camp because were going to camp next week, so i'm very excited, but still kinda nervous but anyway let's get into the reading create task.

So the first create task is a reading map task, so you have to do it with a teacher but i'll explain it, so there's 10 task that you have to locate like example you have to draw the ship in block 12 and other cool stuff and that's it.

The second create task is a bunk label, so we had to choose one label out of 3 designs, once you chose one your bunk label design you can personalise your name on it, then you color it in to make it look cool. after that you cut the edges, then the teacher can laminate it.   

and the Third create task is a infographic about nature, so we had to read about NZ Native Animals and find 10 facts of what animal you have chose, I chose Native birds. then once you finish reading New Zealand native birds you can start doing your piktochart, then you put 10 facts about NZ Native birds on your piktochart and make it cool, your done.

here is mine, take a look...


Thursday, September 30, 2021

Chinese language week

walt: use personal experience and literacy knowledge to make meaning from texts.   

 hey bloggers, today i'm going to show my create task about chinese language, so I'm going to tell you each create task,

take a look...

So the first create task is a 5 piece comic strip, so first you have to read the book called the race. its a race a swimming race with animals and who ever wins get the chinese zodiac. then you get your comic strip and draw your favorite scene in the book.

The second create task is called the agamograph, its really hard to explain how to do it but it was basically you had to colour the ox symbol background red and the symbol for the ox yellow. everybody in ruru when they finished we folded them into a fan shape and then connect it together, if you you look on the left angle in the best angle you will see it change which is really cool.

The third create task is a venn diagram of what is an animal that is used in your culture and well i didn't have any ideas what to do so i chose god for my culture, religion thingy anyways I hope you enjoy it.


and the last create task is writing your name in chinese characters, so theres a website were you type your name and it shows you  

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Maori language week how maui discovered fire W9 T3

  WALT: analyze and evaluate actions and storylines of maori myths and legends.

hey bloggers, today i'm going to show you my blog post about How Maui discovered fire, and these are the same create task as my last weeks blog.

here it is... 

so the first create task is the analyze sheet it was the same as the last blog, so 6 of the boxes were character, seeting, problem, conclusion, action and feelings. then you fill all the boxes in then your done.

the second create task is the Evaluation task, so there's 4 boxes that has your books nam at the top and the statement at the middle, so you have to write down if you agree or disagree on the statement and you do that three times, then your done with the create task.


Thursday, September 16, 2021

Maori language week rata and the totara tree T3 W8

 WALT: analyze and evaluate actions and storylines of maori myths and legends.

Hi bloggers, this week it is maori language week so there were three create task so here there are, i hope you enjoy it.

so the first one is an analyse sheet, so you had to fill out the six boxes which are Characters, settings, problem, conclusion, action, feelings, and once your done you can move on to the second create task

The second create task is the evaluation task, so you have to fill in three boxes if you agree or disagree you write it down like example Rata should be punished for his mistake then you write it down in the agree or the disagree box. 

Take a look...      

Poetry Anthology slides T3 W8

 hey bloggers, today i'm going to show you my poetry anthology slides, at the start of the term we were making our own poetry anthology. so each day we make a new slide and write different poems every day like a wish poem, haiku poem and other different poems. then once we finish all 12 of them we can decorate it to make it look cool then we blog it and its complete. 

Have a look at it...

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Firework folding surprise

hey bloggers, today I'm going to show you my firework folding  surprise drawing, I made some mistakes on it but it was fine, so how it works is when you pull the top of the paper it will reveal what is under the first layer of paper and that's how you make the surprise happens. it wasn't hard to draw it but it was a good challenge. I hope you like it
Take a look...

Monday, August 30, 2021

family portrait 2021

 hey bloggers, this is my lovely family portrait when we were granted our New Zealand citizenship with the city mayor, I hope you like it.

Take a look...


Wednesday, August 25, 2021

lockdown walk at the park 2021

 hey bloggers, this is my photo about my lockdown walk with my dad at the park, I was not really ready but its okay. don't worry I had a mask in my hand, I hope you like it.   

my photo in the park.

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Olympic Games Create Task T3 W3

 Walt: locate and summarise important information from a range of related text. 

The first create Task is where you had choose your favorite Olympian and why you had chosen that Olympian, The Olympian I chose was Usain Bolt. Take a look...

The second create is were you choose a country and write 20 facts about that country, i couldn't finish it because i didn't have enough time.

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

T2 W10 Walt Disney

WAlT: Locate and summarise important information from a range of related text.

this week we have been doing the same as last week but we get choose a different book i chose Walt Disney he was the one who made Micky Mouse, lion King and other disney Characters   

the first create task is were you fill out the first box, so you had to describe your main text about who is walt disney and when he was born and other information about him, the second box was the complementary text, it was about making connections about the youtube clip and the main text. and the third one is the challenge text, it was the same as the other one but a challenge text.  

the second create task was a Mini Biography create task, so the first box was information about their life, like he was the voice of Mickey Mouse. and the second box is why they are famous.  

Monday, July 5, 2021

Privet or Personal Information

 Hey reader,

Today in cybersmarts we were looking at Privet and Personal Information, so we were knowing the difference between the two will help you keep you safe.

I found it good to see the different thing you can not share and the one that you can share.

I found this Activity pretty fun i would rate this a 5/5 and the information is 4/5 for enjoyment

Do you know any more privet information to keep it a secret?



Thursday, July 1, 2021

W9 term 2 Tomas Edison

 WALT: locate and summarise important information from  a range of related texts.

hey bloggers, this week are book choices are inspirational people, our first create task was to fill out this box, so we had to describe what your book was about, the second box is how does the complementary text support the main text and the third box is the same as the second box but its the challenging text.    

create task 1

create task 2 

this is the second create tas

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

compound sentences

Hey bloggers, in writing we have been doing compound sentence and it was really fun. a compound sentence is a simple sentence and use but, for, nor, or, yet, so which means FANBOYS! and Noun, Verbs.                       

Each person will write 5 simple sentences.

Once they are completed, you will finish the simple sentence by adding a FANBOYS word (or other conjunction) and make it into a compound sentence.

Highlight: Noun   Verb   FANBOYS

The sun is shining.

but it is still cold.

A tree is tall 

and it has a lot of leaves. 

People have brains

for doing stuff.

You can buy pre- cooked food 

or cook food.

A car is cool 

but it needs gas.

Chrome books are expensive

yet a gaming pc is more expensive.

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Matariki week 8 T2

WALT:Summarise and analyze ideas and information from different texts.


hi this week for are reading we have been doing our Matariki create task and there are also 4 can does you can do. and Matariki is an event for Mouri and other countries around the world. 


create task 1

Video #1:

  • The seven sisters/stars.

  • Matariki happens on the 19th of June - 11th of July.

  • Matariki is in the sky. 

  • Matariki happened because of the seven sisters.

  • It happens because the parents put the sisters in the skys

Video #2:

  • 7 sisters/stars.

  • Matriki can happen in 19th of June- 11 of July

  • Matariki happens in the night sky.

  • Matariki happened because the seven sisters' parents put them in the sky.

  • The stars disappear in late April and appear back in late May or June.

Te Papa Website: 

  •     The seven stars.

  • The star cluster is visible to the eye from parts of our planet, Matariki has many different names. In english it is called pleiades or the seven stars, in Hawaiian name is Makali´l.

  • Matariki happened in early June in the north-east horizon in the sky.

  •  There was one Matariki story about when Tawhirimatea discovered that his parents Ranginui and Papatuanuku had been separated so he tore his eye out in anger and threw them in the sky- the stars are his seven eyes.

  • Matariki happen because of there parents.

Celebrating Puanga at Ramanui:

  • the seven sisters
  • Matariki is a group of stars known as the pleiades.

  • Matariki is in the eastern sky

  • Matariki happened because of the 7 stars parents

  • It happened because the seven sisters were annoying so their parents gave them a job to be a sign of a Maori new year.

Thursday, June 17, 2021

A bad case of stripes T2 week 7

 WALT: make connections between yourself, other text to the world.


 Hi readers this week we have been doing our create task about picture book I choose the bad case of stripes it was about a girl named Camilla Cream it was her first day at school but she didn't know what to wear then she to shy that she turned into rainbow stripes. After that her mom said your not going to school but she still went to school, when she went inside the classroom and everyone made fun of her, when the student says red polka dots or shapes, her skin turns to what they say. The next day her mom called a professional doctor to check up on her, then he gave her lots of medicines to drink.     

create task 1


  • A weird taste of food.

  • I don't eat the skin of an apple.

  • Same taste of food.

  • I'm different to others because im shy.

  • Creative food.

other text:

  • Goldilocks 

  • Madagascar  

  • Wonder

  • beyblade

  • Snow White

the world:
  • Master Chief 


  • Riverside market 

  • Fish and chips

  • Different religions, cultures

  • Filipino food/ restaurant  
create task 2