
Thursday, September 30, 2021

Chinese language week

walt: use personal experience and literacy knowledge to make meaning from texts.   

 hey bloggers, today i'm going to show my create task about chinese language, so I'm going to tell you each create task,

take a look...

So the first create task is a 5 piece comic strip, so first you have to read the book called the race. its a race a swimming race with animals and who ever wins get the chinese zodiac. then you get your comic strip and draw your favorite scene in the book.

The second create task is called the agamograph, its really hard to explain how to do it but it was basically you had to colour the ox symbol background red and the symbol for the ox yellow. everybody in ruru when they finished we folded them into a fan shape and then connect it together, if you you look on the left angle in the best angle you will see it change which is really cool.

The third create task is a venn diagram of what is an animal that is used in your culture and well i didn't have any ideas what to do so i chose god for my culture, religion thingy anyways I hope you enjoy it.


and the last create task is writing your name in chinese characters, so theres a website were you type your name and it shows you  

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Maori language week how maui discovered fire W9 T3

  WALT: analyze and evaluate actions and storylines of maori myths and legends.

hey bloggers, today i'm going to show you my blog post about How Maui discovered fire, and these are the same create task as my last weeks blog.

here it is... 

so the first create task is the analyze sheet it was the same as the last blog, so 6 of the boxes were character, seeting, problem, conclusion, action and feelings. then you fill all the boxes in then your done.

the second create task is the Evaluation task, so there's 4 boxes that has your books nam at the top and the statement at the middle, so you have to write down if you agree or disagree on the statement and you do that three times, then your done with the create task.


Thursday, September 16, 2021

Maori language week rata and the totara tree T3 W8

 WALT: analyze and evaluate actions and storylines of maori myths and legends.

Hi bloggers, this week it is maori language week so there were three create task so here there are, i hope you enjoy it.

so the first one is an analyse sheet, so you had to fill out the six boxes which are Characters, settings, problem, conclusion, action, feelings, and once your done you can move on to the second create task

The second create task is the evaluation task, so you have to fill in three boxes if you agree or disagree you write it down like example Rata should be punished for his mistake then you write it down in the agree or the disagree box. 

Take a look...      

Poetry Anthology slides T3 W8

 hey bloggers, today i'm going to show you my poetry anthology slides, at the start of the term we were making our own poetry anthology. so each day we make a new slide and write different poems every day like a wish poem, haiku poem and other different poems. then once we finish all 12 of them we can decorate it to make it look cool then we blog it and its complete. 

Have a look at it...

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Firework folding surprise

hey bloggers, today I'm going to show you my firework folding  surprise drawing, I made some mistakes on it but it was fine, so how it works is when you pull the top of the paper it will reveal what is under the first layer of paper and that's how you make the surprise happens. it wasn't hard to draw it but it was a good challenge. I hope you like it
Take a look...