
Wednesday, July 7, 2021

T2 W10 Walt Disney

WAlT: Locate and summarise important information from a range of related text.

this week we have been doing the same as last week but we get choose a different book i chose Walt Disney he was the one who made Micky Mouse, lion King and other disney Characters   

the first create task is were you fill out the first box, so you had to describe your main text about who is walt disney and when he was born and other information about him, the second box was the complementary text, it was about making connections about the youtube clip and the main text. and the third one is the challenge text, it was the same as the other one but a challenge text.  

the second create task was a Mini Biography create task, so the first box was information about their life, like he was the voice of Mickey Mouse. and the second box is why they are famous.  

Monday, July 5, 2021

Privet or Personal Information

 Hey reader,

Today in cybersmarts we were looking at Privet and Personal Information, so we were knowing the difference between the two will help you keep you safe.

I found it good to see the different thing you can not share and the one that you can share.

I found this Activity pretty fun i would rate this a 5/5 and the information is 4/5 for enjoyment

Do you know any more privet information to keep it a secret?



Thursday, July 1, 2021

W9 term 2 Tomas Edison

 WALT: locate and summarise important information from  a range of related texts.

hey bloggers, this week are book choices are inspirational people, our first create task was to fill out this box, so we had to describe what your book was about, the second box is how does the complementary text support the main text and the third box is the same as the second box but its the challenging text.    

create task 1

create task 2 

this is the second create tas